Saturday, February 19, 2011

Something FREE as an apology for my absence!

Yes, it's been awhile. I'm sorry. I'm REALLY sorry! Really, I am. I've missed you. I've missed my domestic diversions. Recently my husband told me that I need to focus on one thing instead of 16. I think he's somewhat right. So, I've decided to try to have 3 posts a week to Domesitic Diversions. Maybe this summer it will be more, but for now 3 is good. I can do 3, so that's my plan.

Today, here's an attempt to redeem myself. I'm giving you a printable! :) Get excited!! 

Several months ago, I jumped on the "Keep Calm & Carry On" bandwagon. I freakin' LOVE Craftily-Ever-After and her Keep Calm prints for each month/season. I used her Christmas prints at my house this year and stole her idea to hang these three prints and switch them out as the year went on. Since Jessica's taken a reprieve from her blog recently, I thought I'd do my own versions for St. Patrick's Day (my third favorite holiday after Christmas and the 4th of July). Here's the first of the three. I hope you enjoy!