Monday, December 27, 2010

A blog is born...

All I wanted for Christmas this year was a new camera. Fortunately, I'm married to a wonderful man who surprised me with just that! Many factors motivated my desire for this new camera, several include: a new nephew on the way, my insatiable urge to document everything with pictures, my desire to appease the long-lost chief photographer of my high school's newspaper deep within me, and the fact that my phone was taking better pictures than my current camera...seriously. All of these were reasons for wanting the wonderfulness of a new Nikon, but I've also been dying to start a blog. 

Yes, I have a blog about my own life, and if you're one of my close family or friends, I know you read it faithfully, but I wanted a different kind of blog. I wanted a blog that others would want to follow...I'm hoping that Domestic Diversions is it. 

Since I was young, I've loved all things domestic. As a child, my library trips not only brought home the latest Babysitter's Club, but they also yielded kids cookbooks. My parents' basement is a testament to my love of creating. It contains potholders, ornaments, vases, and cross-stich samplers. In college, my love for all things crafty continued. I was introduced to Mod Podge and crocheting. My obsession grew. 

Today, I'm married with a home of my own, and my love for all things domestic has taken on new dimensions. My desire to create now expresses my love for those around me. Whether it's a soft blanket for my soon-to-be-here nephew, Finn; a batch of cookies for my brother, Randy; or a new bed for my beloved puppies, Bentley and Bruce; creating things that are homemade is my passion and my distraction.

This blog is a documentation of my projects, from recipes and crafts to decorations and parties, welcome to my Domestic Diversions. 


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